Learning to Let Go

Today I’m throwing Megan a little baby shower get-together. I thought it was going to just be the HG girls, but she asked if she could invite her mom and mother in law and sisters in law and, suddenly, it was a proper shower.

I’m normally intimidated by this sort of thing and stress beyond all reason, but not this time. Now, I’m learning to let go. I sent out a sign-up sheet so people would bring food. I’m only providing drinks and hummus with sides. that’s all. wow.

I’m grateful for the lesson of letting go that I’m slowly learning.

I’m grateful for gracious and generous friends who are there to help and teach me it’s okay not to do it all.

I’m grateful for the little boy who turned my life upside down and taught me that I can’t control everything, that there’s beauty in learning to let go of control and peace when I stop striving and just let things happen how they will.

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